Chairing the Board is part art and part skill. The skill of the chairperson is vital to the success of the Board. There are many factors that determine success, including the conditions inherited with the role and the personal approach and skill base of the chairperson. Selecting a leadership style suited to the conditions of the board and deploying the right tools to build and sustain board capacity are core requirements when chairing the Board.
John Mero is a highly experienced chair whose skills have been called upon in for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, where a strong presence in the chair is required to assist Boards overcome complex challenges. Foremost in John’s approach, is the need to ensure any Board rises to the challenge of serving those to whom a duty is owed, by overcoming impediments to performance.
John provides training for new and experienced Chairpeople. His motivational program provides a unique opportunity to learn the processes and tools and develop the attitudes and skills required to make a positive contribution whilst in the chair; and to gain a sense of satisfaction from the experience. A typical chairperson development program includes:
- The role of the chairperson
- The generic challenges that face any chairperson
- The chairperson’s sources of authority and influence
- The different leadership styles available to the chairperson
- How to analyse the dynamics in the boardroom
- How to build a relationship with the CEO that will add value to both positions
- The role of the chairperson when the board is facing a crisis
- The leadership requirements of the chairperson outside the boardroom
- How a chairperson can influence board performance
- How to handle difficult situations in the boardroom
- Developing a plan of what the chairperson wishes to achieve in their term
To make an inquiry or book a training session click here