Developing Sound Governance is essential for every organisation. Boards exist to control and direct the organisation in the

best interests of members. To be successful, directors need to understand the duties, functions and powers that define

their role and ensure their processes are sound, they are accessing the right information and are holding quality 

board meetingsDirectors must also have the personal characteristics to work effectively in a governance

team that shares mutual obligation and risk in the pursuit of opportunity. John Mero

John Mero has provided governance training to over 3,500 directors and officers in for-profit, not for profit and government organisations. The content of a typical educational/training session to develop Sound Governance includes:

  1. What is sound governance and why it is important
  2. The role and duties of directors and officers
  3. How to establish a performance-based relationship with the CEO
  4. Monitoring organisational performance and compliance
  5. Developing and implementing policy
  6. Think strategically and setting strategy
  7. Governing finances
  8. Pursuing opportunities and minimise risks
  9. Building the board’s long-term calendar6. Running effective board meetings
  10. Running effective board meetings
  11. Ensuring the Board gets the information needed to fulfil their duties
  12. The role of the chairperson.

John’s experience has revealed that many officers in for-profit, not for profit and governance agencies also need to improve their understanding of governance and how it is applied. Too many assume they know what is involved, in for example, reporting to the Board, when in fact, there are often serious gaps in reporting. By lifting the capacity of officers in governance the quality of support to the Board will improve and this helps to improve overall governance. It is also worth noting that officers share largely the same duties and are exposed to similar penalty provisions as directors.

To make an inquiry or book an education/training session click here