The executive is made up of the senior managers of the organisation and is led by the CEO. Executives face unique challenges and opportunities as the conduit between the board, operations and the environment of the organisation. The ability of the executive to achieve results is dependent on various factors including the quality of the executive meeting, their teamwork and the leadership they offer the board and management. In addition to leading their respective areas, executive members must integrate, communicate and execute the macro strategy of the organisation. How the CEO constructs and leads the executive affects the whole organisation. For example, is the CEO is managing from the top using the executive as a decision-making forum or as an advisory group? What are the implications of the chosen style?

John Mero’s research indicates the areas that are useful to consider in an executive review or team development process include:

•    The executive meeting
•    The balance between operations and strategy
•    The role of the CEO in relation to the executive
•    Executive teamwork
•    Individual executive performance
•    Executive processes, including decision-making
•    Responses to specific challenges facing the executive
•    Role clarity for the executive group and individual members
•    Consensus on priorities
•    Conflict between executive members
•    How the executive is seen by others
•    Managing people and politics in the executive group

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